Submit a question for Baggage Check - Ask Out of the Rain
Use this form to submit a question for the weekly Baggage Check blog post at Ask us about managing anxiety, using assertive communication with difficult people, parenting a challenging child, gender, sexuality, or anything else related to mental health! Follow us on our Facebook page for notifications when new posts are published!
All responses are completely anonymous.
The more details you include about your situation, the more helpful we can be in our answer, but be aware of any details that may identify you to someone reading your question (such as location, exact age of children, dates of major life events, etc.). Out of the Rain is not responsible if a reader is able to identify the author of a question.
Submission of a question does not guarantee a response, but we will try to answer as many questions as we can. Some questions may be paraphrased or slightly reworded for the sake of clarity, maintaining the asker’s anonymity, or to censor offensive language (through use of asterisks) etc. Such changes, if they are made, will be as minimal as possible. We will make every effort to ensure that such changes do not alter the content or intent of the question. Your post may be assigned an anonymous name for easy reference in the future.