Considering current COVID numbers in our community, we have met and come to the hard decision to postpone our Game Show Night for now. We apologize for the short notice. We will watch numbers closely and will announce if we are able to reschedule sometime this month if the situation improves.
If that is unable to happen, luckily this is a monthly event and so you can catch us next month (and every month) on the third Friday! The next Game Show Night falls on August 19th, same time 6-7 PM.
This does not affect the LGBTQIA+ Support Group for Professionals, which will still be meeting tonight.
Third Friday of every month, 6-7 PM - Free Admission
Join us for our monthly Game Show Night! You can play solo or with a partner, and the game show style will change every month (one month might be based on Jeopardy, the next Family Feud, the next Wheel of Fortune, etc.).
New dumb prizes every month! (come and play to see what we mean)
You can also join our Game Show League where we keep track of wins and scores and keep rankings through each season so we can crown a seasonal Champion as well!
Please note, all prizes will be funny and mostly just for fun; no one is walking away with stacks of cash!
We are located in the Compass Building in downtown Coos Bay (the opposite corner from the Dollar Tree). Our address is 455 S 4th St, Suite 5, Coos Bay, OR 97420.
PLEASE NOTE: With current local COVID numbers, masks need to stay on for the duration of the game. We will also require name and phone number at the door in case we need to contact you to notify you of a COVID exposure.